Ready to make a change?

 Reserve your seat in one of our online workshops! Each workshop addresses a specific facet of (self-) leadership and/or leading businesses.  These workshops are closer to coaching than training sessions. In other words, we won’t use your personnal experience to help you understand  theoretical concepts; instead, we employ practical, down-to-earth tools and concepts to improve your daily experiences. 

How does it work?

You can register online by clicking on the date of your choice or sent an email to  Please note there are only 5 seats available per session. Only five seats! Yes, it is almost a private coaching for only 250 euros HTVA . No seats left? Register on the waiting list and we will organize extra sessions!

Moreover to ensure you maximize your retrun on investment, each workshop is followed by an intervision (a group session for answering questions and sharing insights) and an individual follow-up (coaching or mentoring tailored to your specific needs).

Here is our current catalogue:

It is evolving regularly based on your input. So if you don’t find what you are looking for, let us know!



Dream big, start small!

In this workshop, you’ll get the chance to sharpen your vision, truly exploring the essence of your business and gauging how far you can see. A vision is no fairy tale, and we’re here to help you make it tangible, not only for yourself but for others too. We’ll also tackle the challenge of bringing it to life when daily operational firefighting consumes all your time and resources.

Pitch (im)perfect!

Bringing people on board is crucial for business success, whether they are your customers or your team members. Being a persuasive speaker is helpful, but it often only convinces on the surface. Once the meeting concludes, people tend to revert to their own beliefs. And let’s face it; not all of us are natural communication experts. In this workshop, you’ll develop your own effective communication strategy.

Boost your ecosystem!

Your business ecosystem can either accelerate or hinder your business growth. In this workshop, you will begin by mapping your ecosystem, understanding of the interactions among its various elements, including their positive or negative impacts. Then, we will define sustainable improvement actions aimed at cultivating your ecosystem, making it self-sustaining and productive, just like permaculture principles

People at their best!

How can we reconcile two dimensions: employees (our talent) increasingly looking after self-fulfillment and a healthy work-life balance, with the temptation to push them to their limits as we strive to achieve more with less? In this workshop, you’ll discover strategies to unlock collective intelligence and ensure that people are performing at their best.

Priorities: mirage or marriage?

Did you ever feel like everything is a priority? Or that priorities seem to change overnight? That you needed to reconcile conflicting priorities from your two main stakeholders? This workshop will assist you in defining your priorities (and what isn’t a priority), maintaining your course in a changing environment, handling interferences and interdependencies, and…managing others.

*NL sessions will be added based on interest.

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